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Scientific Director

Prof. Eng. Sandro Simoncini

Sandro Simoncini is an engineer, contract professor of Urban Planning and Environmental Legislation, contract professor of Economics and Business Management.

He is president of Sogeea SpA, technical consultant of the Civil Court of Rome, of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Criminal Court of Rome and of several Italian Arbitration Chambers.

A constant point of reference for the media on the regularization and valorization of real estate assets, the trend of the real estate market, tax policies on housing, relations between citizens and public administration, problems related to land consumption and hydrogeological instability, Sandro Simoncini is among the major Italian experts on the topic of building amnesty.

In the last decade his activity as a commentator and editorialist has significantly intensified, so much so that he has accumulated over three thousand citations in press agency releases (Ansa, AdnKronos, Askanews, etc.), articles in the most important national newspapers (Il Sole 24 Ore, Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, etc.), radio interviews (Rai, Radio 24-Il Sole 24 Ore, etc.) and television interviews (Rai, La 7, SkyTg24, Tv2000).

In addition to his regular participation in conferences and workshops, as director of the CNRS he coordinated the presentation in the Senate of sector reports and studies, such as those on building amnesties and real estate auctions. Finally, he is the editor of the newspaper Territorio PA, a daily information and dissemination newspaper on urban planning, architecture and the environment.